

Page history last edited by David Shutkin 10 years, 3 months ago

Based on our viewing of The Codes of Gender, produce a digital Story that answers the question: (Watch the film here: Codes of Gender)


What does Digital Media tell us about ourselves and the formation of our gendered identity?

  1. All messages, in all media, include invitations.  In this case, what are we invited to think about ourselves and who we are or desire to be as men or women?
  2. Know that you need not limit your exploration to images, you can consider text and images together.


Narrator, Sut Jhally argues that there is nothing natural about our gendered identity, rather, it is part of a deeply cultural process of socialization through which we learn how to take on certain ways of being that we believe are necessary for understanding who we are as gendered beings.  Much of this socialization is informed by the many forms and genres of digital media that we encounter on a daily basis.


Working in small groups, review The Codes of Gender and take some of its central ideas to an examination of digital media. You can consider video games, television, websites, and/or film, etc.


Produce a digital story, embed it in your weblog and prepare to share it with the class on Wednesday 12 November. (The multimedia equivalent of 500 words).


This is an in-class media analysis and production assignment.


WebLog Assignment


Check out each other’s blogs! Everyone appreciates comments on their blog! 


Working in the course Blog Place produce a weblog (on-line journal) to demonstrate your engagement with class and your attention to current events at the intersection of digital media and social justice. Themes and suggestions will be emergent. 


Identify a current event to follow from the blogosphere, newspapers, assigned readings, class discussions, social action and invited speakers. (Eventually you will settle on a particular event, topic, theme, etc. to focus your weblog. Until then, please explore events, topics and themes).


As your particular event develops throughout the week, respond to it, analyze it and blog about it. 


You are welcome to develop your Weblog using one of the four following platforms: 


Blogger        /       Live Journal       /       Tumblr    /      WordPress


Please note that I am better able to support your multimedia work for this assignment if you choose to work in a Blogger or WordPress environment.


Sadie Aman  / Jonathan Arehart  / Sydney Brown  / Ben Campbell  / Sami Taylor  / David Chojnacki  / Nick Daigle  / Megan Fenner  / William Good  / Meredith Hall  / Ryan Hovis / Mia Iaderosa  / Cole Larson  / Matthew McGreal  / Mason McKenrick  / Ethan Moeller  / Joseph Mrowca  / Anthony Perugini  / Connor Simpson  / Jaclyn Steele  / Matthew Thomas  / Sara Verdi  / James Walleshauser  / Jakob Wendell  / 


Posted  chronologically, your BlogPosts are due prior to class on eleven (11) Fridays.


Each post should be the multimedia equivalent of 250 words in length.  However, the form of a given weblog post is limited only by available technology and can include, separately or in any combination, textual, animation, audio, hypertext, photographic or videographic information.  (There will be a workshop to help you create and begin producing your WebLog).


Please explore different multimedia apps.  (This will really advance your technical readiness for your digital story).  Consider producing each blogpost with a different media application, or not.  Then, either embed your post in your webLog or briefly describe your post in your weblog and make a link to the post.


*Extra credit is earned if your post is published as a meaningful and relevant post on a public WebLog.


A Democratic WebLog Collaboration

Working with two partners, produce a comic strip. This strip is to explore your question concerning the meaning and relevance of democracy to your immediate lived experiences.


Integrate ideas from the thoughtful writings of Dahl, Chomsky, Dahlberg and episode one of the Network.


Every member of your group is to embed your comic strip on his or her Weblog. Due in class for sharing and discussion on Monday 29 September(The multimedia equivalent of three (3) pages). 


Resource: (Consider using one of these web apps)

  1.  Toondoo: Create your own 1, 2, or 3 panel cartoons using a library of cartoons, text bubbles. Images can be uploaded and manipulated with simple tools. Created "doos" can be combined into "ToonBooks", embedded in blogs, etc. A lot of versatility.
  2. PixtonCreate simple or complex comics using characters, scenes, objects. All objects are highly editable, and characters can be moved into almost any pose. A future feature will allow animations to be created.  


         BlogPost 1CLASS SURVEY  (This first post includes nine (9) discrete questions)


To complete your initial weblog post, please send me an email using your preferred email address.  I will use this email address to communicate with you. In this email, please include the link to your WebLog. (Please check to be certain that the link that you send me will take me to your weblog.  Most weblog links have simple addresses such as:  http://dshutkin.blogspot.com or http://dshutkin.wordpress.com/).


Personal information
1. Name, hometown, primary email.
2. What name do you prefer to be called, nick name, etc.?

3. Please insert a picture of yourself in the profile of your new blog.
4. What are you into; what makes you special? Share a few “unique” aspects about yourself that would help our classroom community get to know you a bit.

Learning Style and more: 
5. Being as specific as you can, what must be in place for you to feel comfortable taking intellectual and creative risks in a course?

Technology and Social Justice
6. What do you believe was the most important technological invention in history? Why?

7. Briefly, what does social justice mean to you? Name your top two or three social justice issues.  

8. What have you done in the pursuit of social justice?

About Dr. Shutkin: 
9. Write down a question or two that you would like to ask me about myself or the class.


Please send me an email using your preferred email address.  In this email, please include the link to your WebLog. (Please be certain that the link that you send me will take me to your weblog.  Most weblog links have simple addresses such as: http://dshutkin.blogspot.com or http://dshutkin.wordpress.com/). 




The codes of gender identity & performance in pop culture


Based on our viewing of The Codes of Gender, produce a digital Story that answers the question:


What does Digital Media tell us about ourselves and the formation of our gendered identity?

  1. All messages, in all media, include invitations.  In this case, what are we invited to think about ourselves and who we are or desire to be as men or women?
  2. Know that you need not limit your exploration to images, you can consider text and images together.


Narrator, Sut Jhally argues that there is nothing natural about our gendered identity, rather, it is part of a deeply cultural process of socialization through which we learn how to take on certain ways of being that we believe are necessary for understanding who we are as gendered beings.  Much of this socialization is informed by the many forms and genres of digital media that we encounter on a daily basis.


Working in small groups, review The Codes of Gender and take some of its central ideas to an examination of digital media. You can consider video games, television, websites, and/or film, etc.


Produce a digital story, embed it in your weblog and prepare to share it with the class on Wednesday 12 November.  (The multimedia equivalent of 500 words).


This is an in-class media analysis and production assignment.


Group assignments:
































Comments (1)

David Shutkin said

at 4:19 pm on Sep 15, 2013

If you weren't a professor what would you be? What has been your favorite class you've ever taught?

What do you think the positives and negatives of media are in today's world?

What do you think is the biggest social injustice related to digital media ?

what's your favorite sports team?

Where did you go to college? Why did you choose the field you did?

As for Dr. Shutkin my question to you would be how did you become interested in digital media? And what is you favorite color?

Do you have a lot of people that come into your class without really knowing what they are getting into?

How experienced do you expect students to have with Computers, Digital Media and Social Media Before entering your class?

How many changes has the core curriculum of this class undergone, and do you feel that this is the most relevant or useful way to share this information/subject with students?

What do you believe is the greatest invention.

(Assuming you weren't involuntarily picked) Why did you want to teach this class?

How much of this class will be Blogger-based?

1. What goals do you have set forth for this class?

What is your favorite hobby?

How did you become interested in technology? How is technology going to be related to social justice?

My question for Dr. Shutkin is: What do you view as the most important attribute to have in order to achieve success?

-What is your favorite genre of music, and artists in that genre?

-If you had the choice to be any character from television who would you be and why?

Why did you choose this class over the other ones and I think it would be interesting to know where everyone is from?

I have two questions for Dr. Shutkin. 1. If you were not an education professor what do you think you would have become? 2. What is your favorite sport, if you have one what is your favorite team/team you follow the most?

My question for you Dr. Shutkin is what is your favorite movie?

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