

What I want to talk with you about:

E-Waste: Dumping on the Poor 电子垃圾污染穷国

Asia Society's multimedia look at electronic waste shipped overseas and the toxic effect it has on places such as Guiyu, China--known as "trash town." With an interview with Michael Zhao of the Center on US-China Relations at Asia Society.

Photo Credit: ©2010Basel Action Network (BAN)


1. The Promise of a Clean Industry: Grossman Saturday 26

"The rise of the electronics industry seemed like the perfect success story, with brilliant engineers and innovative companies, fueled by American ingenuity.  It was viewed as an industry without pollution, with workers in 'clean rooms' and factories without smokestacks.  In fact industry leaders promoted it as the 'clean industry'." (Byster and Smith, p. 111) 


2. Digital technology from mining through production to demanufacturing: Byster and Smith; Grossman  Saturday 26



photo credit:  http://cnx.org/content/m14503/latest/


  • 29 sites in Silicon Valley were designated as Superfund sites.
  • At the center of the efforts by the SVTC was an insistance on the citizen's right to know what the corporations in their communities were doing. This insistence upon transparency primarily concerned citizen exposure to toxins.
  • As early as 1983, the  SVTC began to realize political victories including the establishment of two laws: a community right to know law and 2.  a Hazardous Materials Model Ordinance requiring secondary containment of all hazardous materials.
  • These two community laws soon lead to the establishment of similar legislation, first in California and then by the US Congress.


The EPA's March 2010 Map showing Superfund Sites and their locations in the United States:  Red  indicates on national priority; Yellow is proposed; Green is cleaned up.  


  • "In 1990's, SVTC developed its family of interactive eco-maps documenting the Valley's groundwater contamination, which showed that communities of color were disproportionately located near polluting high-tech industries domestically, and --where the industry expanded to other parts of the world -- globally. (p.113-114).
  • http://www.mapcruzin.com/svtc_ecomaps/  Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC) EcoMaps, toxic point source maps, cumulative exposure project (cep) maps, environmental justice maps, groundwater contamination maps, etc.
  • When corporate American no longer found an ill-informed citizenry in the United States where they could locate their manufacturing operations with few regulations, they began to expand globally.
  • And as they did, so the SVTV grew, morphed and followed them.  In 1990 the international NGO International Campaign for Responsible Technology (ICRT) was formed to help prevent the reproduction of the irresponsible industry practices that lead to such contamination in Silicon Valley,  to raise international awareness  about and to expose corporate demands for a certain amount of "corporate welfare" in the guise of tax breaks and concessions on environmental laws and regulations.
  • The  ICRT mission is:  "We are an international solidarity network that promotes corporate and government accountability in the global electronics industry. We are united by our concern for the lifecycle impacts of this industry on health, the environment and workers' rights.  By sharing resources we seek to build the capacity of grassroots organizations, local communities, workers and consumers to achieve social, environmental, and economic justice." (p. 118-119) 

3. Issues of Ethics and Responsibility, Environmental Racism, Globalization, Corporate Responsibility: Pickett  

From: High-Tech's Dirty Little Secret:

A. Damage to human health and the environment;

B. weaker nations lack the economic, political and technical abilities to protect workers and the environment;

C. the eWaste trade to low-wage economies is environmentally and morally unethical ("no peoples should be disproportionately burdened from environmental harm simply due to their economic, racial or other status." (p.230))

D. The export of eWaste externalizes the demanufacturing or recycling of consumer electronics and is productive of disincentives for environmentally sustainable design of consumer electronics. In this way, this system actually creates a financial incentive for the design and manufacturing of electronic waste. 

4. Good Stuff You Can Do eStewards and the Story of Electronics   

Hold Manufacturers Accountable Producer Responsibility For Electronic Waste


5. There are Industry Organizations that are properly recycling: Mooallem Wednesday 23 

6. What is Your Ecological Footprint? Rees and Westrom 


Ecological footprint estimates human demand on the Earth in terms of the ecosystem area required to provide basic material support for any defined population.  In this way, the ecological footprint of a specified population is the area of land and water ecosystems required on a continuous basis to produce the resources that the population consumes and to assimilate the wastes that the population produces...


Ecologists explicitly classify humans as consumer organisms since virtually everything we do -- including all economic activity -- involves consumptive  use of so-called 'resources' first produced by ecosystems or through other natural processes.


In physical terms, consumption involves the irreversible transformation of available energy and material partly into useful products, but mainly into waste (and even the useful products eventually become waste)... consumption is ecologically significant to the extent that it makes materials or energy less available for future use.


Eco-footprint analysis takes the additional step of converting the material and energy flows of consumption into a corresponding ecosystem area -- the land and water area a population appropriates from nature to produce its resources and to assimilate its waste. This process demonstrates that the residents of the United States and other high-income countries require 10 times as much land area as developing countries and as much as 25 acres of productive land/water per person to support their consumer lifestyles.


In this way, consumption by the world's wealthy causes much ecological destruction around the world, but it must be recognized that distance and wealth insulate the wealthy from the negative consequences of their consumer lifestyle.


Further, the wealthy 20% of the world consumes 80% of global economic output.  This implies that our consumer lifestyle is not sustainable and further that prevailing development models for Southern developing countries to emulate the consumer lifestyles of the developed North is unrealistic and unsustainable.  How might we begin to rethink our consumer lifestyles?  How might we consume less, much less?


Footprint Calculator

How much land area does it take to support your lifestyle? Take this quiz to find out your Ecological Footprint, discover your biggest areas of resource consumption, and learn what you can do to tread more lightly on the earth.

7. Economic Prosperity Without Economic Growth: Jackson  Thursday 24


8. An Introduction to the Desire and Allure of Consumer Electronics:  Commodity Fetishism:  Mooallem and Jackson Wednesday 23


 9. The History of Trash making, from the Bricoleur to the Consummer:  Strasser  Friday 25


10.  Matter Out of Place: Mary Douglas and Strasser.  When is it time to mend or to throw it away?  Is it wrong to put your feet on the table? Or to Eat in the Bathroom?  Breaking Cultural Norms, Seeking out Cultural Norms. Friday 25


Sorting is a class issue:

We learn from the celebrated Anthropologists Mary Douglas, that dirt is matter out of place, that dirt is relative.  We perpetually sort what is dirty from what is clean and how we sort our matter, matters a lot!

Around the End of the 19th Century Most Americans Produced Little Waste:

http://youtu.be/lees7c2cio0   What Happened on 23Street, New York City (1901) Director: Edwin S. Porter

The New System of Consumer Culture Emerging in the 20th Century


In the 20th Century, Economic Growth Encouraged By:


Psychology and Consumer section


Progressive Obsolescence




Consumer Culture


Move to the solution section

The Solution to Waste Cannot be to Go Back to the Way Things Were



11.  A Few Philosophical Issues and Conundrums from Scanlan: Sunday 26